Not using the TimeStepper interface for the heat equation

Invariably, somebody will have a (possibly) compelling reason or at least urgent desire to avoid the top-level interface. This demo shows how one can do just that. It will be sparsely documented except for the critical bits and should only be read after perusing the more basic demos.

We’re solving the same problem that is done in the heat equation demos.


from firedrake import *
from import expand_derivatives

from irksome import GaussLegendre, getForm, Dt, MeshConstant

Note that we imported getForm rather than TimeStepper. That’s the lower-level function inside Irksome that manipulates UFL and boundary conditions.


butcher_tableau = GaussLegendre(1)
N = 64

x0 = 0.0
x1 = 10.0
y0 = 0.0
y1 = 10.0

msh = RectangleMesh(N, N, x1, y1)
V = FunctionSpace(msh, "CG", 1)
x, y = SpatialCoordinate(msh)

MC = MeshConstant(msh)
dt = MC.Constant(10 / N)
t = MC.Constant(0.0)

S = Constant(2.0)
C = Constant(1000.0)

B = (x-Constant(x0))*(x-Constant(x1))*(y-Constant(y0))*(y-Constant(y1))/C
R = (x * x + y * y) ** 0.5
uexact = B * atan(t)*(pi / 2.0 - atan(S * (R - t)))

rhs = expand_derivatives(diff(uexact, t)) - div(grad(uexact))

u = Function(V)

v = TestFunction(V)
F = inner(Dt(u), v)*dx + inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx - inner(rhs, v)*dx

bc = DirichletBC(V, 0, "on_boundary")

Now, we use the getForm function, which processes the semidiscrete problem:

Fnew, k, bcnew, nspnew, bcdata = getForm(F, butcher_tableau, t, dt, u, bcs=bc)

This returns several things:

  • Fnew is the UFL variational form for the fully discrete method.

  • k is a new Function for holding all the stages. It lives on the s-way product of the space on which the problem was originally posed

  • bcnew is a list of new DirichletBC that need to be enforced on the variational problem for the stages

  • nspnew is a new MixedVectorSpaceBasis that can be used to express the nullspace of Fnew

  • bcdata contains information needed to update the boundary conditions. It is a list of pairs of the form (f, expr), where f is a Function and expr is an Expr for each of the Dirichlet boundary conditions. Because Firedrake isn’t smart enough to detect that t changes in the expression for the boundary condition, we need to manually interpolate or project each Expr onto the corresponding f at the beginning of each time step. Firedrake will notice this change and re-apply the boundary conditions. This hassle is easy to overlook (not needed in this demo with homogeneous BC) and part of the reason we recommend using the TimeStepper interface that does this for you.

Solver parameters are just blunt-force LU. Other options are surely possible:

luparams = {"mat_type": "aij",
            "snes_type": "ksponly",
            "ksp_type": "preonly",
            "pc_type": "lu"}

We can set up a new nonlinear variational problem and create a solver for it in standard Firedrake fashion:

prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(Fnew, k, bcs=bcnew)
solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob, solver_parameters=luparams, nullspace=nspnew)

We’ll need to split the stage variable so that we can update the solution after solving for the stages at each time step:

ks = k.split()

And here is our time-stepping loop. Note that unlike in the higher-level interface examples, we have to manually update the solution:

while (float(t) < 1.0):
    if float(t) + float(dt) > 1.0:
        dt.assign(1.0 - float(t))

    for i in range(butcher_tableau.num_stages):
        u += float(dt) * butcher_tableau.b[i] * ks[i]

    t.assign(float(t) + float(dt))

print(errornorm(uexact, u)/norm(uexact))